Mental health & mindfulness: Creating supportive relationships of teaching and learning (Präsenz-Workshop)
21st June 2024 | 10:00 h (s.t.) – 14:00 h & 28th June 2024 | 10:00 h (s.t.) – 12:00 h |
The pressure of expectations, performance requirements, and hierarchical relationships in everyday university life often put a strain on the mental health of lecturers and students alike. Although these issues have systemic causes, their management is usually left to staff and students as individuals.
In this workshop, we take a look at the difficult conditions of work in higher education and we explore strategies for safeguarding our own mental health and for supporting our students’ psycho-social well-being. We will talk about how we can integrate mindfulness into our professional practice – not only as a means of self-care, but also in our seminars and office hours by demonstrating and creating awareness of stress and mental health.
In the first part of the workshop (21st June, 4 AE), participants will receive instructions for small solution-focused self-coaching and mindfulness exercises that they can do over the course of the following days (2 AE). In the second part of the workshop (28th June, 2 AE), participants are invited to come together again, share and reflect their experiences, and explore more exercises.
Workshop trainer:
Tyll Zybura works as a speaker and author for, a project for the promotion of relationship-rich practices in higher education. He teaches seminars in education science and cultural studies, and he practices as a solution-focused coach.
Registration by 06th June 2024.
Dieses Angebot richtet sich an Lehrende der Universität Bielefeld und an Teilnehmende des Qualifizierungsprogamms “Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule”.
Diese Veranstaltung wird im Zertifikat “Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule” mit 8 AE für das Erweiterungsmodul (II) im Themenfeld Studierende beraten (3) angerechnet.
- Sprache: EN